There are 17995 articles

  • Trump ignores warnings with 'reckless Jerusalem move'

    President Donald Trump has announced that the US formally recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and will begin the process of moving its embassy to the city, breaking with decades of US policy. In a much anticipated speech in Washington on Wednesday, Trump reversed decades of US policy in defiance of warnings from around the world that the.. More

  • Trump to call Jerusalem Israel's capital, move embassy

    US President Donald Trump will recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and direct the state department to begin the lengthy process of moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to the city, according to senior White House officials. The announcement, which is expected at 18:00 GMT on Wednesday, comes amid global condemnation of the move. The officials said.. More

  • UN: Myanmar may be guilty of genocide against Rohingya

    The persecution of Rohingya by Myanmar's security forces may amount to genocide, the UN human rights chief Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein has said. Addressing the Human Rights Council on Tuesday, Zeid said UN investigators have received "concordant reports of acts of appalling barbarity committed against the Rohingyas" during a military crackdown.. More

  • Ex-Yemen president shot dead by Houthis near Sanaa

    Former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh was killed on Monday by Houthi militiamen in capital Sanaa, according to Houthi spokesmen and a leading member of Saleh’s General People's Congress (GPC) party. The GPC member, who insisted on anonymity due to the issue’s sensitivity, told Anadolu Agency that Houthi militants had shot Saleh dead.. More

  • US: Supreme Court allows full enforcement of travel ban

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday allowed full enforcement of the latest version of the Trump administration’s travel ban. The justices ruled the policy could be fully enforced even as legal challenges against it continue in the lower courts. The ban applies varying limits on visas for nationals from six Muslim-majority countries -- Chad, Iran,.. More

  • Thousands rally in Hanover against anti-Islam AfD party

    Thousands of people have rallied in the German city of Hanover against the far-right Alternative for (AfD) party, which elected its new leadership in the city. The demonstrators on Saturday shouted slogans and carried placards reading "Hanover against Nazis" and "Stand up to racism". Some of the protesters staged sit-ins to block.. More

  • Eastern Ghouta shelled despite 'truce agreement'

    Syrian regime forces have shelled a rebel-held enclave near the capital Damascus, according to a monitor, despite the announcement of a truce a day earlier. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said the towns of Douma and Irbin in Eastern Ghouta were targeted on Wednesday with artillery shells. At least one person was killed in Irbin.. More

  • African refugees bought, sold and murdered in Libya

    Hundreds of African refugees are being bought and sold in "slave markets" across Libya every week, a human trafficker has told Al Jazeera, with many of them held for ransom or forced into prostitution and sexual exploitation to pay their captors and smugglers. Many of them ended up being murdered by their smugglers in the open desert or die.. More

  • Deadly Syria shelling precedes 'truce agreement'

    Shelling has killed many people in Syria's Eastern Ghouta, according to a monitoring group, just hours before the UN announced that Syria's regime had agreed to a ceasefire in the opposition-held area, after days of intense bombardment. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported the death toll, a day after air raids in the besieged.. More

  • Wheat aid arrives in blockaded Yemen amid famine fears

    About 25,000 tons of wheat will be offloaded on Monday for starving people in Yemen, the first food aid allowed into the country facing mass famine after a three-week blockade by a Saudi Arabia-led military coalition. A spokesperson for the World Food Programme (WFP), Abeer Etefa, said the shipment landed on Sunday at the Houthi rebel-controlled Red.. More

  • Dozens of civilians killed in Syria air strikes

    Air raids targeting Eastern Ghouta district outside the capital Damascus killed at least 23 people as Syrian regime forces continue to increase military pressure on the opposition-controlled area. "The toll could rise further because of the number of wounded people in a serious condition," said Rami Abdel Rahman, director of the UK-based.. More

  • US reverses move to close Palestinian office in DC

    The United States has backtracked on an announcement that Palestinian offices in Washington, DC would be closed, following Palestinian threats to sever all communication with the Americans as they work on a new Middle East peace plan. The US order last week to close the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) office was in response to efforts by Palestinians.. More

  • Death toll from Egypt mosque attack rises to 305

    The death toll in the attack on a mosque in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula has risen to 305 people, according to Egyptian authorities. On Friday, attackers bombed a mosque in the town of Bir al-Abed in North Sinai before opening fire on fleeing worshippers. A total of 27 children were among the victims, while 128 other people were injured in the attack,.. More

  • Syrian opposition in Riyadh: Assad has to go

    Syrian opposition groups meeting in Saudi Arabia have renewed their demand for the removal of Bashar al-Assad in a draft resolution obtained by Al Jazeera. The groups said that a solution to the war in Syria can only be achieved with the departure of Assad at the start of the transitional period - a position held by the Syrian opposition since the.. More

  • Israel arrests Palestinians over population count

    Israeli police have arrested several Palestinians, including members of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' political party Fatah, and accused them of carrying out a population census in occupied East Jerusalem. Muhammad Mahmoud, a lawyer representing some of the detainees, told Al Jazeera that five Fatah members, including Hatem Abdel Qader, a member.. More

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