Moroccan king pardons more than 1,000 protesters

Moroccan king pardons more than 1,000 protesters

King Mohammed VI of Morocco on Saturday pardoned more than a thousand people who were under arrest for taking part in protests in the troubled northern Rif region, the justice ministry announced.

The monarch pardoned a total of 1,178 detainees, including a number who had joined demonstrations in the northern port city of al-Hoceima and surrounding area, the ministry said in a statement, issued shortly before King Mohammed made a televised speech to mark 18 years on the throne.

The justice ministry said pardons were granted to those "who have not committed crimes and who are not implicated in serious acts ... bearing in mind their family and humanitarian conditions."

The Rif, a predominantly Berber region where al-Hoceima is located, has been gripped by months of unrest.

Protests erupted last October after a fishmonger was crushed to death in a rubbish truck as he tried to retrieve a swordfish confiscated for being caught out of season.

Demands for justice later snowballed into a wider social movement named Al-Hirak al-Shaabi, calling for jobs, development and an end to corruption.

Abdessadek Al-Bouchtaoui, a lawyer for detained protesters, described the mass pardon as "a positive step but it does not go far enough, because we are calling for the release of everyone held".

According to the latest official figures, 176 were being held, including the movement's leader, Nasser Zefzafi.

The government has promised to make major investment in the region, sent ministers to the area and withdrawn police from prominent sites in a bid to defuse the situation.

A brief lull ended on July 21 with clashes over a banned demonstration which also drew in supporters from among the large Moroccan diaspora.

Seventy-two police officers were wounded by stones and 11 protesters were injured by tear gas used to break up the rally, the official news agency MAP reported, citing authorities in al-Hoceima.


Moroccans gather during a demonstration in the northern town of Al-Hoceima to protest against injustice and corruption in Al-Hoceima, June 02, 2017


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