There are 501 articles

  • Alcohol existing in food naturally

    Question: My Q is regarding the Miso Soup, which is purely Soya beans paste and fish...i was recommended to have it reguraly but when i got it and read the ingredients, it said that it has naturally got Alchohol produced out one of its natural materials (components which is the Miso paste) as a result 1.89% of alchohol will be formed in the soup More

  • Giving service fees for borrowing money from a company

    Question: I believe that interest is haraam whether it small or bigger. But my concern is regarding our cooperative which we barrowed for example 1000 to be paid equally every 15 days, through salary diduction. We give a minimm amount of 20 upon reciept of the money as service pay. Is this service pay considered riba? Sukhran and Allah Bless Us. Fatwa: .. More

  • Not all mental diseases exempt one from performing prayer

    Question: Assalammualaykum.. I have a mental disease(schizophrenia) and lately I have been trying my best to perform the 5 daily prayers, dzikr and read the Quran to heal and calm myself. However, I have the understanding that you need to be sane to perform Friday prayers. Are people suffering from mental illness like myself are exempted from Friday.. More

  • Renting contract which ends by owning the house

    Question: I live in Canada, and there is a Muslim Housing program that is available to help Muslims purchase homes or businesses. The way this works is based on partnership, where I put 30% of the price of the house I choose, then the corporation puts the remaining 70%. The corporation "rents" its share over a period of time at a yearly rate.. More

  • Found a watch in the street

    Question: I have found a watch in the street is it Halaal or Haraam to take it? Fatwa: All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger. If this watch is insignificant and the person who lost it is.. More

  • Death being delayed

    Question: I have some questions regarding to death. Does Allah ever change the time of a person's death? Does it mention anywhere in the Qur'aan or Hadeeth of this ever happening? Also, the night of Al- Qadar, a night better than a thousand months, Allah writes the destiny of mankind for the upcoming year, right? I am asking these because I have read.. More

  • Wiping over the socks

    Question: I have a question regarding the wiping over socks during the ablution. Allah commands the believers in the Quran [5:6] to wash the feet. So how can we wipe over socks instead of washing the feet? I also read a opinion of Mufti who says that wiping over socks is allowed only for socks made of leather. He says in that article that wiping over.. More

  • Woman's brother-in-law is not a Mahram to her

    Question: salam. my eldest sister died in earth quake in 2005. at that time her son was 5 years old. at that time of grief my brother in law(B-I-L, my dead sister's husband) stayed at our home for a year time because of his son. our nephew is very close to my younger sister, so my B-I-L decided to keep him with us, secondly his own house was all destroyed.. More

  • Evil eye and its cure

    Question: I heard a Hadeeth that the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said that "A person can escape from stones but not from evil eyes." Is this true? I have this because I have been often ruined by it. My neighbor lady who has an afflicted child looks at my children and very often my children and wife fall sick. Is there any remedy?.. More

  • Combining all the confirmed optional prayers after ‘Ishaa’

    Question: Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh i want to know about praying of daily sunnah prayer which is 12 a day. I heard from Aalim that we can pray this 12 sunnah prayer before sleeping after ishan prayer. Is this correct? or if we left before zohar sunnah prayers can we pray after zohar farz? please advice me from Quran & Sunnah.. More

  • Missionaries invite teenage Arab students in UK to Christianity

    Question: I'm student in England and I saw many messiah persons invite to join in Christianity religion and they are give the Arab students and distribution about Christianity religion. Could you find out about this problems special some teenager students? Fatwa: All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is.. More

  • THE 99: a questionable computer game

    Question: There is a new game on the Internet which IMO is very questionable as it seems to be based on Islamic culture and history but it actually has a very strange name (THE 99) and very controversial names of characters. It is basically about a legend that the Mongols when they sacked Baghdad, they razed the largest library in the city and threw.. More

  • Her friend asks her to return her presents back to her

    Question: I am a new converted Muslimah, Al-Hamdulillaah and since I am one of the very only ones in my town, a sister in Islam, who Subhanallah has been converted for 17 years adviced me following: Because she seemed to have trouble with her 3rd Muslim husband, she suddenly wrote me a letter saying: please, return all the Islamic papers and Quran.. More

  • Ruling on Islamic songs

    Question: What is the ruling on Islamic songs? Fatwa: All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger. No doubt the songs that are commonly known in the media or elsewhere contain many forbidden matters,.. More

  • Can not perform prayers on time because of diabetes

    Question: Sir, I am a born diabatic and ever since then whenever my sugar level goes down it does not help me in offering my prayers on time and whenever I feel normal I offer the Qaza for that prayer with the next coming one. this particulary happens in Fjar. Mornings are very tough when the time goes short for offering the prayer on time.So kindly.. More