There are 501 articles

  • Following the funeral procession of a non-Muslim

    Question: The wife of one of my Muslim friend died. We visited them and accompanied the Janazah till the grave. Later on, we learnt that the wife was not a Muslim. Should we not have visited the Janazah if she was not a Muslim or what does Sharee'ah says in these cases? Fatwa: All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify.. More

  • Spending Zakat money on Da'wah projects

    Question: As Islam being maligned in every possible way and as rigorous Da'wa countering the false claims about Islam as become incumbent, some good people in Chennai, India came together with an fabulous Idea of presenting Islam and removing misconception about Islam and to call to Islam in a bigger level, they conducted an Islamic Exhibition by the.. More

  • Engagement party

    Question: Asalamuallaikum wa rahmat Allah,,,,,,Bismillah wa alhamdullilah wa salat wa salam a rasool Allah,,,,,,,,,,What is the ruling regarding an "engagement party" before marrying??? (according to the understanding of the salaf u salah,,,,,) please bring daleels from kitab u sunnah (saheeh hadiths or at least hasan according to the salafi.. More

  • The slogan: Allah, the Nation and the King

    Question: What is the ruling on this slogan: Allah, the nation and the king? Fatwa: All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger. This slogan: Allah, the nation and the king, is considered a minor.. More

  • Meaning of extreme weather conditions

    Question: What does it mean when there is a storm rain, snow, tornado, hurricane, are these signs of anger from Allah? Fatwa: All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger. Allah, the Glorified and.. More

  • Investing in companies which occasionally deal with banks

    Question: Is it allowed to trade in shares of companies whose main business is Halaal (like computers) but deal with banks by taking interest and loans from time to time? Is it allowed to trade in the shares of such companies if I do not intend to take any profit from the dividends? I will only take trading profit (profit from buying and selling the.. More

  • Engaged people informing each other about their past sins

    Question: Assalaamu Aalikum. About 4 months ago I got engaged. Few days after we got engaged, we wanted to meet up to discuss things about our past and confess to each other our mistakes. We exchanged words of regrets and anger at our own past. I used to be weak and experienced kisses, hugs and touches but nothing more has happened and I repented and.. More

  • The Jamaa’ah is what confirms the truth even if you were alone

    Question: Assalamu alaikum.A companion(Allah be pleased with him)asked Ibn Masood(Allah be pleased with him)that people in his town prays Jamaath not at its fixed time but delays it.So he prays alone at the fixed time and not with the Jamaath.So is he doing the right thing?Ibn Masood(Allah be pleased with him)told him he was doing the right thing.Even.. More

  • Saying to one's wife 'Our marriage is over' implies three Talaaqs

    Question: Assalamu Alaikum Mufti Saheb, please help me. Am very troubled and need your urgent attention and guidance. Last year in April 2005, during argument with my wife I said to her "Am divorcing you; and I have given you talaaq." I went out of the house and later phoned her. She said to come home. I said: "Am not coming home. Its.. More

  • Internet auction sales

    Question: Dear sir, Assalamu Alaikum on internet there is a site where one can buy things relatively cheap by a sort of bidding. it works like this: first , one buys some bidding tocken , each costing about 50 cents, and then on a selected item he starts bidding.initial item prices are very cheap, and each bid is only one or two cent increase over.. More

  • Praying while wearing a T-shirt

    Question: Is it allowed to Offer Prayer while Wearing T-Shirt (With naked Elbows). I heard its Makrooh to Offer Prayer in T-Shirt. Kindly Advice. Fatwa: All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger. Ther.. More

  • Ruling on accepting New Year's gifts

    Question: Is it permissible to accept the New Years’ gifts such as calendars and diaries etc. from companies that deal with the company where we work? These companies give these gifts to all the personnel of the department where I work. Fatwa: All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of.. More

  • Relations between sexes before marriage

    Question: I'm a 16 year old, Muslim girl and I have question. Can I have a relationship with a guy before I get married? Fatwa: All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger. It is forbidden for.. More

  • Assessing the Nisaab of bank notes

    Question: How do we make Nisaab on paper money? What I searched is that you have to pay Zakat on paper money equal to 606 gram of chandi (silver). Now, I am confused regarding Nisaab. I am getting a monthly salary of 80,000 rupees. Suppose now I have 150,000 in the bank (without ribaa) and I spend my money for my daily needs and during the year sometime.. More

  • Being with non-Muslim relatives during Christmas

    Question: Recently became Muslim and wonder about celebrating holidays with my Christian family. My family is Christian but are very accepting of my new faith. They by no means want to put any pressure on me. I find that especially around Christmas time is very hard for me. To me the holiday has always less of a religious holiday and more about being.. More