There are 913 articles

  • Ramadan: The Month of Maintaining Kinship Ties - I

    Ramadan is the month of righteousness and the month of sympathy and mercy, thus by default it is the month of maintaining ties of kinship. During this month hearts are softened by remembering Allah The Almighty and souls respond to the one who calls towards Him. The outcome of this is nothing but good deeds and drawing nearer to the Lord of the heavens.. More

  • Acts that Diminish the Reward of Fasting - III

    Watching movies, TV shows and playing cards Q: Some fasting people spend most of their day in Ramadan watching movies and soap operas on video and TV and playing cards. What is the religious ruling on that? A: Fasting people and other Muslims are obliged to fear Allah The Almighty in what they do and what they abandon at all times. They should beware.. More

  • Acts that Diminish the Reward of Fasting - II

    Backbiting and tale-bearing Q: Do backbiting and tale-bearing during the day in Ramadan invalidate one's fast? A: Backbiting and tale-bearing do not invalidate fasting; however, they reduce its reward. Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become.. More

  • Acts that Diminish the Reward of Fasting - I

    The sincere Muslim seeks to perfect his worship in a way that pleases Allah The Almighty. Here are some of the acts that reduce the reward of the fasting people in the noble month of Ramadan. Looking at women who expose their beauty Q: Does going out to run some errands and coming across indecently dressed women during the day in Ramadan invalidate.. More

  • Why do Our Supplications go Unanswered?

    There are numerous reasons why the response to our supplications may be delayed: 1. The weak supplication because of supplicating with weak and offensive statements 2. One does not gather his heart together on what he seeks to have at the time of supplication 3. The obstacles that impede the response of Allah The Almighty to supplication, such as.. More

  • Who is the Closest to Allah The Almighty?

    A humble, submissive, meek compliant slave is the nearest of all slaves to Allah The Almighty, because he is a slave of Allah The Almighty, not a slave to his desires. Fasting is the greatest means to break the destructive desires of the soul, and repel its errors and transgressions, and restore it to its tranquility, submissiveness, humbleness and.. More

  • What will You Do in Ramadan?

    It should be the hallmark of the believers when asked, "What will you do in Ramadan?"They should respond with, "Allah will see what I am going to do (to please Him). I will strive against my own self, inclination, desires, lusts, food, drink, property and health: {Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties.. More

  • What Do You Prefer Over Your Lord?

    If you are distracted and fidgety while approaching Allah The Almighty, then, is it any wonder if Allah The Almighty does not draw close to you? If you approach Him lazily and listlessly, desirous of hastily finishing your acts of worship to return to the world, let me ask you: what could be better than staying in front of Him? What do you prefer to.. More

  • The Right Way of Supplicating Your Lord

    A person must repent of the sins between him and Allah The Almighty, and free himself from the wrongdoings between him and people in order to gain forgiveness from Allah The Almighty in Ramadan. No doubt, those sins and misdeeds deny the acceptance of supplications by Allah The Almighty. At the same time, the wrongdoings between a person and other people.. More

  • The Real Meaning of Striving in Ramadan

    What does it mean to strive hard in Ramadan? Does our striving in Ramadan prevent us from giving in to desires? Do wereturned in a worse state after Ramadan, or does it prevent us from desires? Is it a cause of a person's promotion in the sight of Allah The Almighty, due to the devotion of his heart, the purity of his soul, his approach to his Lord.. More

  • The Race for Good Deeds is On!

    When the verses that exhort men to hasten and compete with each other over doing good deeds were revealed, the Companions realized that they were addressed by them to hasten to Allah The Almighty, to compete, as if in a race. They hastened and competed with each other so much that if anyone of them was unable to do some act of righteousness or worship,.. More

  • The Blessings of I'tikaaf

    The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, used to stay in I‘tikaaf (seclusion in the mosque) for the last ten days of Ramadan, and when it was the year in which he died, he stayed in I‘tikaaf for twenty days. Regardless of his numerous occupations such as Jihaad (armed struggle in the cause of Allah The Almighty), enjoining good.. More

  • The Best Preparation for Ramadan

    In view of the great importance of the days of Ramadan, it is incumbent on the faithful believers to prepare for them properly. The believers should be ready for it, insistent on attaining the means of forgiveness, regardless of the sacrifice. The first step is to know the aims they would like to achieve in this season, which could be the aims referred.. More

  • Taqwa: The Key to Paradise

    Taqwa (consciousness of Allah The Almighty) isa cause of the salvation of believers from Hell, as mentioned by the Lord The Almighty who Says (what means): {And there is none of you except he will come to it. This is upon your Lord inevitability decreed. Then We will save those who feared Allah.} [Quran 19:71-72] Furthermore, the protective alliance.. More

  • Striving for Forgiveness by Day and Night

    If a believer truly repents to Allah The Almighty and frees himself from the injustice between him and other people, and if he rectifies his relations with them, there can be nothing better for him. No doubt, as a narration says: "Dissonance between people is the shaver. I do not say that it shaves the hair, but I say that it shaves (destroys).. More