There are 2024 articles

  • Gaza is Soweto revisited

    By Andrew Mitrovica Israel has turned Gaza into Soweto - while Israel has become South Africa - circa 1976. One of the conventions of column writing is that you're not supposed to write "angry". More polite, agreeable writers who write polite, agreeable columns, often dismiss "angry" columns as "rants". So, fair warning.. More

  • UN says 130,000 people have fled Eastern Ghouta

    About 130,000 people fled a Damascus suburb during a weeks-long Syrian regime offensive, the United Nations said Monday. Spokesman Stephane Dujarric said the UN and its partners are working to alleviate the humanitarian crisis brought on by the offensive on Eastern Ghouta, but said "needs remain immense". "The UN continues to call for.. More

  • US blocked inquiry into Israeli violence: UN official

    The U.S. declined calls from the UN Security Council for an investigation into violence on the Israeli-Gaza border that left 18 Palestinians dead, a UN official said Monday. Speaking at a press conference at UN headquarters, Gustavo Meza-Cuadra, Permanent Representative of Peru to the UN and president of the Security Council for April, said the council.. More

  • Families leaving Eastern Ghouta take prize possessions

    Families who have left Damascus neighborhood for Idlib tell of taking their most precious possessions with them. Abu Jawad was among thousands of Syrians who left their homes and underground shelters in the shrinking opposition enclave of Eastern Ghouta to one of the last remaining opposition-held areas in northwest Syria. With dozens of daily convoys.. More

  • Buddhists 'lured' to settle on Rohingya land

    Myanmar authorities have lured dozens of mainly Buddhist but with some Christians, Bangladeshi tribal families to cross the border and resettle on land abandoned by fleeing Muslim-majority Rohingya, officials said Monday. About 50 families from remote hill and forest areas on the Bangladesh side, attracted by offers of free land and food, have moved.. More

  • The story of Prophet Salih – II

    After they plotted to kill the she-camel, the disbelievers among the people of Prophet Salih, may Allaah exalt his mention, began to watch her closely, observing all her movements. As she came to drink from the well, Masrai, the man who volunteered to kill her, shot her in the leg with an arrow. She tried to escape but was hampered by the arrow. Qudar,.. More

  • Mordechai: Israel holds two Palestinian bodies

    Israel is holding the bodies of two Palestinians killed by its snipers near the border with the besieged Gaza Strip, an Israeli official confirmed on Sunday. Yoav Mordechai said Israel will not return the bodies of the two Palestinians until the remains of two Israeli soldiers killed during Israel's war on Gaza are returned. "Gaza will not know.. More

  • The pillars of belief in predestination and Divine Decree - I

    Al-Qadar (Divine Decree) is an Arabic word meaning Allah’s predestination of measurements and sustenance of everything and everyone, according to His Knowledge and Wisdom. Belief in the Divine Decree of Allah is one of the pillars of faith. The faith of a slave will be incomplete unless he believes in the Divine Decree, whether good or bad. This.. More

  • Nearly five million in India's Assam at risk of citizenship loss

    Nearly five million people in India's eastern state of Assam face the threat of deportation after a top government official said they have failed to provide documentation proving that their families lived there prior to 1971. The risk comes as the government of Assam prepares to publish a preliminary list of citizens to incorporate into its National.. More

  • Etiquettes of Seeking Knowledge - II

    • Specialization: If a Muslim wants to specialize in one science, he should choose the most honorable branch of science and the most beneficent one that suits his abilities. It was said, “If you want to be a scholar, you should know everything about one thing, but if you want to be cultured, then know something about everything.” •.. More

  • Imam of mosque ‘beaten to death’ in Serbia

    A 63-year-old imam of a mosque has been “beaten to death” on Saturday in the Muslim-majority city of Novi Pazar in Serbia. Nazir Salihovic was attacked when he was on his way back home after leading the night prayer at the mosque, the Serbian Islamic Union said in a statement. It said the attack on Salihovic was “unacceptable”.. More

  • The caliphate of 'Umar -I

    Before his death (13 AH), Abu Bakr, may Allaah be pleased with him, named 'Umar, may Allaah be pleased with him, as his successor. The Muslims at large took Bay’ah (oath of allegiance) at the hand of 'Umar, may Allaah be pleased with him, in Al-Madeenah on Tuesday, 23 Jumad Al-Akhir, 13 AH. After accepting the oath of allegiance for his Caliphate,.. More

  • Zamzam Water: The history & significance -I

    Introduction Allah has made all living creatures out of water. People require water for almost everything; for agriculture, construction, transportation, and for cooling and heating. But not all water carries the same value and significance? Muslims refer to the water of Zamzam as something revered and unique. They crave this mysterious liquid and.. More

  • Loving and glorifying the Sunnah – II

    The worst disaster to ever strike this nation was the death of the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, who instructed us to remember the affliction of his death whenever we are trialled by any hardship, so that we may thereby condole ourselves and ease the impact of that hardship, which would be insignificant in comparison. Signs that prove one’s.. More

  • Myanmar building military bases over Rohingya villages: Amnesty

    Myanmar is building military bases over flattened Rohingya villages, an international rights group said. Security forces have bulldozed houses and started constructing at least three new security facilities in Myanmar's western Rakhine state, said Amnesty International's Remaking Rakhine State report, which was published on Monday. The report, which.. More