There are 2024 articles

  • Displaced Afghans left out in cold

    Every day 400 Afghans become internally displaced, according to Amnesty International. At that rate, more than 2,500 Afghans were left homeless in the week of violent protests that swept the country recently over the burning of copies of the Noble Quran at the US-led Bagram airbase. They joined the ranks of internally displaced people (IDPs), already.. More

  • Drone Warfare and Accountability

    Fazillah, age 25, lives in Maidan Shar, the central city of Afghanistan’s Wardak province. She married about six years ago, and gave birth to a son, Aymal, who just turned five without a father. Fazillah tells her son, Aymal, that his father was killed by an American bomber plane, remote-controlled by computer. That July, in 2007, Aymal’s.. More

  • The causes of the protests in Afghanistan

    Most American media accounts and commentary about the ongoing violent anti-American protests in Afghanistan depict their principal cause as anger over the burning of copies of the Noble Quran, except that Afghans themselves keep saying things like this: Protesters in Kabul interviewed on the road and in front of Parliament said that this was not the.. More

  • Israel approves construction of 695 housing units in West Bank

    Destruction of Palestinian homes and settlements on Palestinian land are hitting record highs in recent years. Israel on Wednesday approved the construction of 695 new housing units in and around the West Bank settlement of Shiloh, north-east of Ramallah. Up to 121 of the housing units already exist – 93 of them without government authorization... More

  • Ignoring court, Israeli officials bulldoze Palestinian homes

    It was a dark and stormy night in the village of Tha’lah. Israeli “civil administration” officials arrive at the hut of a local shepherd, ordering the entire family to vacate their house within one minute. But wait, the owner has official documentation from the Israeli High Court of Justice, an interim order requiring the civil administrati.. More

  • In the Dark of the Night …

    Once, there was a pious Muslim merchant who used to trade cattle. He would buy cows from Iraq or Iran and sell them in Syria. This trader was a righteous Muslim: pious, devout and pure hearted; he would pray at night, fast and give charity frequently. On one of his trade journeys, as he was shepherding a herd of cows to sell them, it began to snow.. More

  • Ogaden Somalis file Ethiopia ICC complaint

    The Ogaden Somali Community in South Africa has filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC), urging an investigation into the actions of the Ethiopian government against the Ogaden people. In a statement released on Tuesday on behalf of the community, a South African media advocacy group, Muslim Review Network, called on ICC authorities.. More

  • The battle for Homs

    The Syrian city of Homs has been under attack for nearly a week, as government forces allied to President Bashar al-Assad try to regain control of opposition-held areas. The city, in the centre of the country, has emerged as the capital of the uprising and its Revolutionary Council runs a virtual state-within-a-state, providing services and fielding.. More

  • Tips to maintaining your Prayer - II

    6. Train yourself to be enthusiastic about the Prayer Rest assured that your enthusiasm to every matter is based upon your quickness or slowness in performing it. Thus, if you were to come to it early and quickly, you would find yourself forthcoming and spirited in performing it. However, were you to come to it lethargically, you would find it burdensome.. More

  • Tips to maintaining your Prayer - I

    Allah Almighty Says (what means): "And the Prayer is a difficult matter except upon those who fear Allah; who are certain that they will meet their Lord, and that they will return to Him."[Quran 2:45-46] The uniqueness of the Prayer lies in the fact that it is repeated not once a year or a month nor a day, but indeed five times a day. It.. More

  • Protecting our Children from Lying - II

    How can a mother know that her child is lying? It should be known that lying has many signs that are visible on the child which an intelligent mother could notice, and they reveal it in the same way that is imitated by the following proverb: "The (sinful) suspicious (with his behavior) is about to say (to those who doubt him), 'Take me (as I am.. More

  • Protecting our Children from Lying - I

    The doorbell rang in the house of the grandfather, and four-year-old Fahd ran to open the door. Soon, he returned running and jumping, announcing the visitor to his grandfather, "Grandpa! Shaykh Al ‘Uthaymeen is waiting for you in the salon." The grandfather smiled and asked inquiringly, "Who is it Fahd? Talk seriously." Fahd.. More

  • In Iraq, 65 executions in first 40 days of 2012

    Less than two months into 2012, the Iraqi government has executed at least 65 prisoners, as the country continues to slip into dictatorship with continued support from the U.S. Many aspects of the government in Baghdad have spiraled out of control since the end of the U.S. military occupation, but the rate of state executions has skyrocketed. In January,.. More

  • Veto power at the UN Security Council

    The United Nations Security Council has 15 members, but only its five permanent members - the United States, the United Kingdom, France, China and Russia - hold the power to impose a veto on the council's resolutions. In the most recent example of this power being exercised, Russia and China voted against a draft resolution that would have condemned.. More

  • Afghan civilian deaths up for fifth straight year

    The number of civilian casualties in the war in Afghanistan rose for the fifth year in a row in 2011, according to the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) which put the number of civilians killed at 3,000 over the past year. Fighters fighting occupation forces and the corrupt Karzai government were responsible for 2,332 civilian deaths in.. More