There are 50 articles

  • The West accuses Islam of oppressing women

    In Islam, women have been given a high status which no past nation ever achieved and which no subsequent nation has been able to attain, because the honor that Islam gives to humanity, includes men and women equally. They are equal before the rulings of Allah in this world and they will be equal with regard to His reward and punishment in the Hereafter... More

  • Was Muhammad the author of the Quran?

    The Quran has no author, and no group or individual in Arabia has ever claimed to have written it, nor has any group or individual recited, taught, and explained the Quran before the Prophet Mohammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam (may Allah exalt his mention). Any historian, Muslim or non-Muslim would argue that the only possible source of the.. More

  • Maryam, the Mother of Jesus

    As Muslims, we respect, honor and hold in high esteem Maryam, may Allah exalt her mention, the daughter of Imraan who was a chaste virgin and is the best of the women of the world. The Muslims respect and love her for many reasons, among which are the following: • Allah Almighty praised her and described her as being pure and chaste; Allah Almighty.. More

  • Prophet Muhammad and polygyny - I

    Since the advent of Islam, more than fourteen centuries ago, its opponents have spared no effort to enshroud its Prophet’s character with doubts, drawing a deformed image of him to slander his messengership and damage his reputation. They did their level best to fabricate fallacies and superstitions in order to corrupt the believers’ faith.. More

  • Prophet Muhammad and polygyny - II

    Second: The Legislative Aspect The second point of wisdom behind polygny has a legislative dimension. This form of marriage was established to abrogate the repulsive traditions followed by the Arabs in the pre-Islamic times, such as the tradition of adoption. This practice was a norm inherited from past generations. According to this tradition, a man.. More

  • The amazing Quran -IV

    Telling facts not lies In conjunction with the excuses that non-Muslims advance in futile attempts to justify unexplainable verses in the Quran, there is another attack often rendered which seems to be a combination of the theories that Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, was crazy and a liar. Basically, these people propose that Muhammad, sallallaahu.. More

  • The amazing Quran -V

    The Quran continues to beat the odds All of the examples so far given, concerning the various angles from which one can approach the Quran, have undoubtedly been subjective in nature; however there does exist another angle, among others, which is objective and whose basis is mathematical. It is surprising how authentic the Quran becomes when one assembles.. More

  • Our position towards people who introduce misconceptions

    Now, what should be our stance towards these people who introduce and arouse misconceptions? Should we sit with them? Should we listen to what they say? Did Allah not command us not to sit with them and not to listen to what they say in the abovementioned verse? Did the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam not warn us against them in this regard when.. More

  • Islam does not tolerate the killing of innocents

    Islam is portrayed as a religion of “terror” and “killing”, yet this is just one of the most widely held misconceptions about Islam. Allah Almighty states unambiguously in the Quran (what means): "Nor take life -- which Allah has made sacred -- except for just cause. And if anyone is slain wrongfully, we have given his.. More

  • Freedom in Islam and in democracy

    There is no word that nations have called for, spoken about in length, and desired fervently in their hearts more than freedom. People have delivered speeches about it, written books on the subject, composed newspaper columns in support of it, and have raised banners calling for it; they have made it an objective for which all other matters could be.. More

  • Does Islam degrade women?

    The image of the typical Muslim woman wearing the veil, forced to stay home, and forbidden to drive is all too common in most peoples' thoughts. The status of women in Islam is often the target of attacks in the secular media. The ‘Hijab,’ or Islamic dress code for women, is cited by many as an example of the ‘subjugation’ of.. More

  • The light of the truth and the fire of misconception

    We live in a disturbed world. We encounter waves upon waves of darkness. One who searches for the truth will struggle to see it, except for he upon whom Allah bestows His mercy and guides to it. There are a multitude of television channels that people are exposed to today, to the extent that the average university graduate watches six hundred (600).. More

  • Islam and wife beating

    In the event of a family dispute, the Quran exhorts the husband to treat his wife kindly and not overlook her positive aspects [Quran 4:19]. If the problem relates to the wife's behavior, her husband may exhort her and appeal for reason. In most cases, this measure is likely to be sufficient. In cases where the problem continues, the husband.. More

  • Monogamy and polygyny

    The question remains why a male-dominated society should be so opposed to polygyny when such a large number of its married members practice a form of it by engaging in illicit or casual relationships. Some males self-righteously assert that monogamy is maintained to protect the rights of women. But, since when has the western male been concerned about.. More

  • Are Muslim women oppressed?

    Among the many topics of interest to non-Muslims, the status of Muslim women and the theme of their rights -- or rather, the perceived lack of them – seems to be foremost. The media’s portrayal of Muslim women, usually outlining their “oppression and mystery” seems to contribute to this negative perception. The main reason for.. More


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