The following events took place during Ramadan but the historians differed regarding the exact day they happened on.
The Expedition of Sayf Al-Bahr.
The Messenger of Allah
sent Hamzah ibn ‘Abdul-Muttalib, may Allah be pleased with him, to Sayf Al-Bahr with thirty men from the Muhaajiroon (emigrants). Their mission was to cut the road of Quraysh's caravan led by Abu Jahl ibn Hishaam with three hundred passengers from Makkah. Fighting would have broken out between them were it not for the interference of Majdi ibn ‘Amr Al-Juhani. This was the first standard (of fighting) the Prophet
gave to a Muslim.

2 A.H.
Death of ‘Ubaydah ibn Al-Haarith ibn Al-Muttalib.
The noble Companion ‘Ubaydah ibn Al-Haarith ibn Al-Muttalib ibn ‘Abd Manaaf Al-Qurashi Al-Muttalibi died in this year. He was one of the early Muslims and one who fought a duel with ‘Utbah on the day of the Battle of Badr where each wounded the other. After that, ‘Ali and Hamzah attacked ‘Utbah and killed him. They carried ‘Ubaydah in his last breath, but he died shortly afterwards in As-Safraa’ in the last ten days of Ramadan.
4 A.H.
Marriage of the Prophet
to Zaynab.

The Prophet
married Zaynab bint Khuzaymah Al-Hilaaliyyah, may Allah be pleased with her, in this year. She was previously the wife of At-Tufayl ibn Al-Haarith, who divorced her. She was known as the "Mother of the Needy" because she would feed them and give them charity. She remained for two or three months with him, then passed away.

9 A.H.
Jareer ibn ‘Abdullaah Al-Bajali Embraces Islam.
In the year of delegations, Jareer ibn ‘Abdullaah Al-Bajali, may Allah be pleased with him, came to the Prophet
as a Muslim. When the Prophet
saw him coming, he said in his Khutbah (sermon): “A man from the best people of Yemen will enter upon you from that narrow pass. His face is like that of a king.” [Ahmad] Jareer embraced Islam and gave the pledge of allegiance.

14 A.H.
Performing Taraaweeh Prayer in Congregation.
The Commander of the Believers ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattaab, may Allah be pleased with him, gathered the Muslims to perform Taraaweeh prayer in congregation after they had been performing it individually. The Muslims have unanimously agreed on the validity of performing Taraaweeh prayer in congregation until today.
38 A.H.
The Death of Safwaan ibn Baydhaa’.
The Companion Safwaan ibn Baydhaa’, may Allah be pleased with him, died in this year. He was one of the Muhaajiroon who attended the Battle of Badr and all other battles. He died in Ramadan and left behind no children.
50 A.H.
The Death of Al-Mugheerah ibn Shu‘bah.
Al-Mugheerah ibn Shu‘bah, may Allah be pleased with him, was a genius Arab and one of those whose consultation and opinion were sought. He embraced Islam in the year of the Battle of the Trench and attended all subsequent battles. He was appointed as a governor during the caliphate of Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, and ‘Uthmaan, may Allah be pleased with them. He was finally appointed as governor of Al-Kufa during the caliphate of Mu‘aawiyah, may Allah be pleased with him, where he died.
53 A.H.
The Death of Ziyaad ibn Abi Sufyaan.
Ziyaad helped Mu‘aawiyah ibn Abi Sufyaan in controlling the affairs of Iraq, but was a harsh and unjust governor. Ibn ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, supplicated against Ziyaad and people said Ameen to his supplications, and accordingly he died from the plague.
75 A.H.
The Assumption of Al-Hajjaaj ibn Yoosuf of the Governorship of Al-Kufa.
Abdul-Malik ibn Marwaan appointed Al-Hajjaj ibn Yoosuf Ath-Thaqafi as governor of Al-Kufa after he had removed him from the governorship of Madeenah An-Nabawiyyah. Al-Hajjaaj entered Al-Kufa with twelve horsemen. His rule was riddled with bloodshed of his people. He later died, also in Ramadan.
115 A.H.
The Death of Imaam ‘Ataa’ ibn Abi Rabaah .
The noble Imaam Shaykh-ul-Islam, Mufti of the Sacred Mosque, ‘Ataa’ ibn Abi Rabaah Al-Qurashi
died in this year. He was the most knowledgeable person in Makkah in his time. He met two hundred Companions of the Prophet
and was known for his asceticism and religious prudence.

129 A.H.
The Call to Establish the ‘Abbasid Empire.
In Ramadan, the so-called Abu Muslim Al-Khuraasaani called for the establishment of the ‘Abbasid Empire. People amassed around him from all directions and he chose black as his insignia. The blood of many Muslims was shed for the sake of achieving this goal.
129 A.H.
The end of the Khawaarij in Al-Kufa.
After fierce battles between Yazeed ibn ‘Umar ibn Hubayrah and the Khawaarij, Yazeed managed to rid Al-Kufa of the Khawaarij's control. This took place in the reign of the Caliph Marwaan ibn Muhammad.
131 A.H.
The Death of Imaam Muhammad ibn Juhaadah.
Imaam Muhammad ibn Juhaadah Al-Koofi
died in this year. He was a noble and righteous man. He was known for his profuse worship to the extent that it was said that he only slept very little at night. He died on his way to Makkah.

148 A.H.
The Death of Imaam Ibn Abi Layla
The eminent scholar Muhammad ibn ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Abi Layla died in this year. He was the Mufti and Judge of Al-Kufa. Shu‘bah and Sufyaan ibn ‘Uyaynah narrated Hadeeths from him, and he enjoyed the most beautiful and accurate recitation of the Quran.
152 A.H.
The Death of Imaam Mu‘ammar ibn Raashid.
The Imaam and Haafith Abu ‘Urwah Mu‘ammar ibn Raashid Al-Azdi died in this year. He was a receptacle of knowledge, truthful, skeptical, religiously prudent, solemn, and a prolific author. Ibn Jurayj said about him, “Stick to that man – i.e. Mu‘ammar – because there is no person more knowledgeable than him in his time.” Mu‘ammar lived and married in San‘aa’, and Sufyaan Ath-Thawri traveled to him. He died at the age of fifty-eight.
161 A.H.
The Death of Imaam Abu Ayoob Al-Ifreeqi .
The exemplary Imaam ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Ziyaad ibn An‘am Abu Ayoob Al-Sha‘baani Al-Ifreeqi died in this year. He was the judge, scholar, and Hadeeth narrator of Africa. He never feared the rebuke of a critic in matters that involved implementing the commands of Allah, and Ath-Thawri venerated him.
164 A.H.
The Death of Imaam Hammaam ibn Yahya.
The Imaam and Haafith Hammaam ibn Yahya Al-Basri died in this year. His father was a butcher in Basra. Hammaam reported Hadeeths from ‘Ataa’ ibn Rabaah, Naafi‘ the ex-slave of ‘Umar, and others. The compilers of authentic books of Hadeeth approved his narrations.
168 A.H.
The Romans' Breach of Covenant with the Muslims.
In the era of the Caliph Haaroon Ar-Rasheed, the Roman Empire broke their covenant with the Muslims which they had kept for more than thirty-two months. The Muslims then fought and defeated them.
174 A.H.
The Death of the Ameer Rawh ibn Haatim.
The Ameer (Emir) Abu Haatim Rawh ibn Haatim ibn Qabeesah ibn Al-Muhallab ibn Abi Sufrah Al-Muhallabi died in this year. He was one of the heroic knights and assumed great positions in the era of the Caliphs As-Saffaah, Al-Mansoor, and others. He was appointed governor of As-Sind, then Basra, and finally Morocco where he died.
201 A.H.
Birth of Imaam Baqyy ibn Makhlad.
The exemplary Imaam Baqyy ibn Makhlad ibn Yazeed Al-Andalusi Al-Qurtubi was born in this year. He was a Mujtahid and righteous Imaam. He acquired the knowledge of Hadeeth from the scholars of the East and transferred it to the people of Andalusia. He wrote a book of Tafseer (Quranic exegesis) and a Musnad (Hadeeth compilation) which are considered two of the most authoritative references in their field.
222 A.H.
The Caliph Al-Mu‘tasim Conquered the City of Babak .
The Caliphs Al-Mu‘tasim and Al-Ma’moon spent much gold and silver in their attempts to conquer Babak until Al-Mu‘tasim sent a large army to his military commander. They engaged in fierce fighting and, finally, Muslims gained victory in the last ten days of Ramadan.
228 A.H.
The Death of Imaam Al-‘Ayshi.
The eminent and trustworthy Imaam ‘Ubaydullaah ibn Muhammad ibn Hafs Al-Qurashi At-Taymi died in this year. He was one of the chiefs of Basra and was known for reporting Hadeeths, generosity and giving.
350 A.H.
The Death of King An-Naasir Lideenillaah.
King An-Naasir Lideenillaah Abu Al-Mutarrif ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Al-Ameer Muhammad, who was called the Commander of the Believers, died in this year. He was the founder of the city of Az-Zahraa’ in Andalusia, and his state survived for fifty years. An-Naasir made many conquests and well-known battles. He conquered seventy of the most impenetrable forts that existed in that land at that time. He was the first one to be given the title of caliph in Andalusia and was famous for his strictness, eminence, and courage.
363 A.H.
The Death of Al-Haafith Ibn As-Simsaar.
The trustworthy Imaam and Haafith Abu Al-‘Abbaas Muhammad ibn Moosa ibn Al-Husayn Ad-Dimashqi As-Simsaar died in this year. He was the authoritative scholar of Hadeeth of Ash-Shaam (greater Syria). Imaam Al-Kattaani said about him, “He was a trustworthy, noble Haafith and wrote a plethora of book”.
407 A.H.
The Death of Imaam Ahmad Al-Bazzaaz.
Imaam and Haafith Abu ‘Abdullaah Ahmad son of Al-Muhaddith (scholar of Hadeeth) Muhammad ibn Doost Al-Baghdaadi Al-Bazzaaz died in this year. He was knowledgeable of Imaam Maalik's school of Fiqh (school of jurisprudence). Many Imaams spoke highly of him, and he passed away in Ramadan at the age of eighty-four.
429 A.H.
The Emergence of Fitnah of taking the title of "King of Kings" .
In Ramadan, Jalaal Ad-Dawlah Shahinshah the Great was given the title of "King of Kings" by the command of the caliph who ordered people to support this in their sermons on the pulpits. The public were enraged and thus cast mud bricks at the deliverers of sermons. A great tribulation erupted afterwards. This was all because the Prophet
forbade taking or using the title of "King of Kings".

456 A.H.
The Birth of Imaam Ibn Hazm Ath-Thaahiri .
Imaam Abu Muhammad ‘Ali ibn Ahmad ibn Sa‘eed ibn Hazm Al-Qurtubi, the Shaykh of Ath-Thaahiriyyah (or Az-Zahiriya) was born in Ramadan in Cordoba. He authored several books in various fields of knowledge. He was a supporter of the Zaahiri school of Fiqh in Andalusia, and was known for his acute intelligence, breadth of knowledge of the Quran, Sunnah, and schools of Fiqh, and extensive knowledge of the creeds and ideologies.
458 A.H.
The Death of Judge Abu Ya‘la Al-Hanbali.
The judge Abu Ya‘la Muhammad ibn Al-Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn Khalaf ibn Ahmad Al-Farraa’ died in this year. He was the Shaykh of the Hanbali scholars and the organizer of their school of Fiqh in detailed rulings. He was one of the chief trustworthy scholars and author of several books on Imaam Ahmad's school of Fiqh which were spread everywhere.
541 A.H.
The Death of Imaam ‘Abdul-Haqq ibn Abi Bakr.
The Imaam and eminent scholar Abu Muhammad Abdul-Haqq ibn Abi Bakr Al-Muhaaribi Al-Ghirnaati died in this year. He was the Shaykh of scholars of Tafseer and Imaam in Fiqh, Tafseer, and the Arabic language. He was a receptacle of knowledge, with broad awareness and strong literary style. He joined the judiciary and worked as a judge.
580 A.H.
The Death of Imaam Ar-Raafi‘i.
The Imaam, eminent scholar, and Mufti of Shaafi‘i scholars Abu Al-Fadhl Muhammad ibn Abdul-Kareem ibn Al-Fadhl Ar-Raafi‘i Al-Qazweeni died in this year. He excelled in the Shaafi‘i school of Fiqh. He explained Musnad Ash-Shaafi‘i into two volumes, and was said to have shown some supernatural feats.
584 A.H.
The Death of the Ameer Ash-Sheeraazi.
The Ameer Mu’ayyid Ad-Dawlah Abu Al-Muthaffar Usaamah ibn Murshid ibn ‘Ali Ash-Sheeraazi died in this year. He possessed much knowledge, especially of Arabic poetry. He was said to have memorized ten thousand verses from the pre-Islamic poetry by heart. He wrote a number of books.
584 A.H.
The Conquest of Karak and Safed.
The Muslims conquered Karak under the command of King Salah Ad-Deen Al-Ayoobi (Saladin) then set out to the city of Safed. They besieged Safed with catapults until they seized the city from the Crusaders. They granted people protection of their lives in these forts.
586 A.H.
The Seizure of ‘Akkah (Acre) from the Non-Arabs .
After a long siege that the Crusaders laid to the city of Acre, they finally went down into their trenches where Muslims fought them severely and set a big fire to their walls. Later, the Crusaders were defeated, and the city was liberated from the firm siege.
578 A.H.
The Death of King Al-Muthaffar.
King Taqi Ad-Deen ‘Umar, son of Ameer Noor Ad-Dawlah Shahinshah ibn Ayoob ibn Shaathi, the governor of Hama, died in this year. He enjoyed bravery, solemnity, boldness, and generosity. He had memorable stances with his uncle Sultan Salah Ad-Deen who appointed him to Egypt and Hama. There were incidents that showed his dogged determination in Jihaad.
645 A.H.
The Death of Al-Hareeri.
‘Ali, who was known as Al-Hareeri, died in this year. Al-Hareeri led an immoral life, ridiculed and neglected the matters of the Sharee‘ah, and promoted the practices of dissolute and disobedient people. His corrupt impact on the public and the elite was great.
663 A.H.
The Muslims' Victory Over Western Non-Arabs.
Imaam ibn Katheer related a report that Muslims defeated the non-Arabs and killed about forty-five thousand of them, captured about ten thousand, and managed to recapture forty two cities, such as Pyrenees, Seville, Cordoba, and Murcia. This victory took place on a Thursday.
665 A.H.
The Death of the Eminent Scholar Abu Shaamah.
The eminent scholar and Mujtahid (Jurist) Shihaab Ad-Deen Abu Al-Qaasim ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Ismaa‘eel ibn Ibraaheem Al-Maqdisi, known as Abu Shaamah, died in this year. He mastered the science of Qiraa’aat (Quran recitation) and was knowledgeable of Arabic syntax and a famous historian. He wrote several books and useful summaries.
687 A.H.
The Death of Imaam Qutb Ad-Deen.
The Khutbah (sermon) giver of Jerusalem Abu Ath-Thakaa’ Abdul-Mun‘im ibn yahya ibn Ibraaheem Al-Qurashi Az-Zuhri Al-‘Oofi An-Naabulsi Ash-Shaafi‘i died in this year. He was the giver of Khutbah in Jerusalem, Imaam in Tafseer, and contributed to giving Fatawa (rulings). He was well-dressed, solemn, and dignified. He died at the age of eighty-four.
694 A.H.
The Death of Sharaf Ad-Deen Al-Maqdisi.
The Imaam, Shaykh, and Khutbah giver Sharaf Ad-Deen Abu Al-‘Abbaas Ahmad ibn Shaykh Kamaal Ad-Deen Ahmad ibn Ni‘mah ibn Ahmad Al-Maqdisi Ash-Shaafi‘i died in this year. He worked in teaching and giving Fatawa, and was appointed as a judge in Damascus where he continued giving Fatawa. He was a receptacle of knowledge and was known for giving Khutbahs.
701 A.H.
The Death of Shaykh Sharaf Ad-Deen Al-Ba‘labakki.
Shaykh Sharaf Ad-Deen ‘Ali ibn Shaykh Taqi Ad-Deen Abu ‘Abdullaah Muhammad ibn Shaykh Abu Al-Hasan Ahmad ibn ‘Abdullaah Al-Yooneeni Al-Ba‘labakki died in this year. He received much knowledge from his father and studied Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). He was a strident worshiper with great humbleness. He was murdered, and people mourned at his passing.
1010 A.H.
The Death of the tyrant ‘Abdul-Haleem Al-Yaaziji.
Abdul-Haleem the oppressor, known as Al-Yaaziji, died in this year. He was one of the tyrants who rebelled against the sultanate during the reign of Sultan Muhammad ׀׀׀ and caused many tribulations, bloodshed and violation of sanctities.
1014 A.H.
The Death of Quran Reciter ‘Abdur-Rahmaan Al-Yamani.
‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Shihaathah, known as Al-Yamani Ash-Shaafi‘i, died in this year. He was the Shaykh of Quran reciters, Imaam of scholars of Tajweed (Quranic recitation), and jurist of his time. He mastered the ten Qiraa’aat, and acquired the sciences of literature from many scholars.
1034 A.H.
The Death of the Man of Letters ‘Abdul-Jawwaad Al-Munoofi.
The prominent man of letters ‘Abdul-Jawwaad ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad Al-Munoofi Al-Makki Ash-Shaafi‘i died in this year. He was a noble man of letters with a formidable memory. He settled in Makkah where he acquired knowledge from its scholars and was appointed head of a school. Besides teaching, he was an Imaam and Khutbah giver. There were many incidents that illustrated his high determination.
1063 A.H.
The Death of Imaam ‘Abdur-Rahmaan As-Siddeeqi.
Imaam ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Zayn Al-‘Aabideen ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Al-Hasan Al-Bakri As-Siddeeqi died in this year. He was a well-versed scholar of many virtues, and acquainted with many sciences. He died on a Friday.
1098 A.H
The Death of Imaam ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Yoosuf Al-Buhooti.
Imaam ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Yoosuf ibn ‘Ali, nicknamed as Zayn Ad-Deen Al-Buhooti Al-Hanbali, died in this year. He was born and raised in Egypt. He read the six books of Hadeeth and other Hadeeth compilations, then, devoted himself to knowledge. He mastered Imaam Ahmad's school of Fiqh.
1127 A.H
The Death of Imaam Khayr Ad-Deen.
Imaam Khayr Ad-Deen ibn Shaykh Taaj Ad-Deen ibn Muhammad ibn Ilyaas died in this year. He was an Imaam and Khutbah giver in Madeenah. He worked in teaching and writing, and assumed the judiciary deputyship three times. Al-Khateeb ‘Abdullaah Al-Khaleefati compiled his Fataawa and called it Al-Fataawa Al-Ilyaasiyyah. He also compiled the collection of his poetry.
1249 A.H.
The Removal of Muneeb Effendi from Acre's administration.
Ibraaheem Pasha removed Muneeb Effendi from the government administration in the city of Acre, then appointed Shaykh Husayn in his position as an administrator of the affairs of the city.